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los Servicios de Autismo

We Offer a Full Range of Autism Support Services

Diagnóstico del Autismo / Pruebas del Autismo

Before beginning ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapy, your child must obtain an official autism diagnosis.

Terapia ABA para Niños

A reliable autism diagnosis can happen by age 2. Every child with autism presents signs differently.

Terapia ABA para Adolescentes

La terapia ABA para adolescentes con autismo requiere de un plan de tratamiento personalizado. En algunos casos, el autismo no se diagnostica en la infancia y se manifiesta con mayor claridad durante la pubertad.

Terapia ABA en Casa

Your child’s home is a safe place where they find comfort and support. Our therapists can interact with your child in their own environment.

Intervención Temprana

Early interventions for autism (preferably before or during age two) take place while a child’s brain is still forming, which gives any therapy a significantly better chance of success in the long term.

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