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RAADS-R Test: Understanding the Test for Better Results

Are you looking for a comprehensive test to ensure your provider appropriately gauges you or your loved one’s potential for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) during the diagnostic process? The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R) is an invaluable tool helping clinicians diagnose neurodiversity in older individuals. Major ABA agencies and medical professionals globally employ the RAAD-R test because of its reliability and efficacy in providing diagnostic support.

The RAADS-R test is a self-reporting questionnaire established to identify adults with autism who may have gone undetected due to their presentation. However, it exists to be administered by a qualified clinician in a clinical setting, not to self-diagnose. A clinical presence also helps participants interpret questions they may not understand. One of the unique aspects of the RAADS-R test is that it’s for adults, unlike other autism assessments that only test children.

This blog by ABA Centers of Florida provides an overview of how the RAADS-R test positively impacts individuals with autism and their families. Additionally, we will explore the test’s reception, including its criticisms and advantages. Let’s look at what sets RAADS-R apart from other autism testing tools!

For more information about autism testing with ABA Centers of Florida, click here.

History of the Test

Dr. Riva Ariella Ritvo designed the RAADS-R test to address the growing gaps in autism screening among the adult neurodivergent population. With the prevalence of ASD rising globally, detection leading to accessing essential services is vital for better futures. Today, many adults seek autism services, establishing the value of an instrument like the RAAD’s R test and demonstrating a need for reliable autism resources. However, before selecting the test, considering every facet of the assessment is essential, as not everyone agrees on any specific test for autism to be the most comprehensive or accurate.

The RAADS-R test is a modified version of the original RAADS test, which assesses autism in individuals through 78 questions in the context of symptomatology. Test questions distinguish individuals with autism from neurotypical peers by testing social relatedness, sensory-motor function, and language.

Later the RAADS test was updated to the RAADS-R, which presents 80 questions, assessing personal interests and clarifying the original questions. Like the original, RAAD-R is self-reporting and often utilized by individuals over 16 with an IQ within the normal range.

An In-Depth Look at How The RAADS-R Test Works

The RAADS-R test consists of 80 questions that assess developmental symptoms, including areas such as:

  • Language
  • Social Relatedness
  • Sensory Motor
  • Circumscribed Interests

For each statement, the test offers four choices:

  • True now, and when I was young
  • True now only
  • Truly only when I was younger than 16
  • Never true

Each choice holds a point value that accumulates to a total score.

Critical Components of the RAADS-R Test

By combining multiple perspectives, the RAADS-R can provide a more accurate diagnosis of ASD, allowing for optimized treatment and supportive care for those diagnosed with the condition.

The test includes the following subscales:


The Language subscale of the RAADS-R consists of seven statements that focus on the following:

  • Echolalia/Scripting: Caregivers or educators may note individual recites scripted language from films, television, or taglines.
  • Being Literal: Experiencing stress when what is “said” doesn’t align with what they mean. In other words, individuals with autism often struggle with inferences or metaphors.
  • Small talk: engaging in light conversation about non-preferred topics during social interactions instead of an obsessive focus on high-interest topics perceived as fun.

Social Relatedness

The Social Relatedness subscale encompasses 39 statements focusing on socialization:

  • Mentalization: difficulty with comprehending what another is feeling or thinking
  • Mutual Interests: A preference to spend time with people who shared interests
  • Outsider: A sense of being different
  • Bluntness: Being considered rude, asking an inappropriate question, or overtly identifying when others make mistakes.
  • Dialectical reciprocity: Difficulty taking turns or knowing when to respond in conversation
  • Emotional reciprocity: Challenges identifying flirting or emotional responses
  • Auditory processing issues: Struggles with communication involving several people at once
  • Object permanence: not missing others in their absence
  • Maintaining relationships: difficulty establishing or maintaining relationships
  • Nonverbal communication: Challenges understanding body language
  • Imitation/mimicry: copying others
  • Camouflaging: masking automatic behaviors to fit in


The sensory-motor subscale presents 20 statements assessing:

  • Challenges with voice volume: talking loudly, too quiet, or significantly fluctuating between both.
  • Voice difference: using different voices that may seem silly, cartoony, childish, or monotone.
  • Motor control issues: general clumsiness or hindered coordination
  • Sensory: sensory seeking, even when the stimulus is painful, dangerous, or overwhelming. These experiences can range and be dependent on the circumstances. Additionally, the individual may experience anxiety in the presence of overstimulation.

Circumscribed Interests

The circumscribed interest’s subscale consists of 14 statements focusing on statements gauging:

  • Details preference: focusing on details before the bigger picture, and the ability to do both
  • Distress around the unexpected: A dislike of changes in routine.
  • Special interest: consistently discussing or having them

Understanding RAADS-R Test Scores

The RAADS-R test compiles a score indicating the likelihood of autism spectrum disorder in the person taking it. The total RAADS-R test score ranges from 0-240. Higher scores indicate behaviors and symptoms consistent with autism. Scores at or above 65 demonstrate the presence of autism. The test utilizes two different scoring methods: paper-based and automated.

General interpretations of different RAADS-R test scores:

  • 25: Does not meet the criteria for ASD
  • 50: May possess autism traits but not likely to have autism
  • 65: Minimum score to identify autism
  • 90: Strong indication of the autism spectrum, although neurotypical individuals can also yield high scores
  • 130: Typical autism score indicating autism is present
  • 160: Demonstrates solid evidence for an autism diagnosis
  • 227: The maximum score indicating autism

However, it’s essential to remember that no standalone test can provide a conclusive autism diagnosis without a comprehensive evaluation. The RAADS-R test is a tool used during a comprehensive autism assessment, not a definitive or conclusive data point leading to diagnosis.

Advantages of Using the RAADS-R Test for Autism Diagnosis

One of the benefits of this test is that it includes self-reporting, making it easier for individuals to identify their symptoms and establish personal insights about their behaviors. Additionally, taking the test can help some discuss their experiences within a clinical setting. Furthermore, the RAADS-R test has proven reliable in identifying ASD symptoms across cognitive abilities, resulting in an effective tool for many clinicians and autism researchers.

Challenges of the RAADS-R Test

The RAADS-R test presents some challenges. For example, the test may require individuals to reflect on past experiences and recognize behavioral patterns they may not have identified before, which can be challenging although helpful. Other criticisms of the RAADs-R test include variables like inappropriate referrals or comorbid conditions, which can influence findings.

Additionally, some test questions may need help understanding, which could lead to confusion or misinterpretation. Despite these challenges, taking the RAADS-R test can help patients better understand their neurodiversity and receive appropriate support. Additionally, it may be a handy aid for individuals who suspect they have autism or simply want to learn more about their learning and personal awareness.

Tips for Preparing for Taking The RAADS-R Test

For some, preparing in advance is helpful to alleviate testing-taking anxiety. Some tips for taking the RAADS-R include:

  1. Becom familiar with the test format and questions.
  2. Review relevant information regarding ASD.
  3. Practice relaxation techniques to minimize test anxiety
  4. Remember that the test is simply a tool to assess your symptoms and experiences. You cannot fail because there are no right or wrong answers.

By taking these steps, you can approach the test confidently and reduce some of the associated stress.

Other Autism Testing Options:

  • Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO)- A dialogue-based tool to evaluate developmental behaviors through daily functioning
  • Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)- a screening tool to diagnose ASD in children and adults
  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2)- this tool gauges communication and social interaction in individuals who may have ASD.
  • Developmental, Dimensional, and Diagnostic Interview–Adult Version– an established tool to aid in diagnosing ASD in adults

The Challenges of Autism Self Diagnosis

Many developmental and autism experts advise against self-diagnosis or conclude you or your child has autism at home. While there are early signs to be aware of, especially in early childhood, it’s best to work with a clinician to ensure you receive a proper, reliable diagnosis. Many websites offer resources to adults suspecting they may have autism that may help you clarify your insight with or before seeing a medical provider.

Autism self-tests do exist, which are often free, and help individuals decide whether to follow up with a specialist. Still, it’s important to recognize they do not conclusively confirm you have autism. These tests include the following:

  • Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ-10)
  • Adult Repetitive Behaviors Questionnaire-2 (RBQ-2A)
  • Autism Social Behavior Questionnaire (ASBQ)

Choosing the RAADS-R

In conclusion, utilizing the RAADS-R test during the autism diagnostic process can be tremendously helpful in identifying and understanding the core features of ASD behavior. Still, it should never act as a standalone test and should always be an aspect of a comprehensive autism evaluation. While helpful, it’s essential to understand the test, its scores, and how it may benefit your understanding of yourself before completing it.

ABA Care For Autism After Testing

At ABA Centers of Florida, we recognize everyone deserves a chance to be their best self and achieve the most vibrate future possible. ABA therapy is the industry gold standard in autism treatment, demonstrating decades of efficacy. Our exceptional team of ABA practitioners is licensed and board certified to ensure your ABA journey is transformative and rewarding. We have experience with all facets of life on the spectrum and with folks of all ages.

If you require autism screening, diagnosis, or ABA therapy, click here to learn more about our diagnostic process. You can also reach us at (772) 773-1975 for a free, zero-commitment call to learn more!

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