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ABA Therapy and School: Support Not a Replacement

ABA Therapy and School: Support Not a Replacement

Many families wonder if ABA therapy can replace a child or teenager’s formal education, especially those affected by autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Caregivers should work to understand the relationship between ABA therapy and school to optimize the best outcomes for their loved ones. Ultimately, ABA therapy goes beyond weekly sessions and aims to promote play and independence, which can lead to better outcomes in the classroom for individuals with ASD. However, ABA therapy does not and cannot replace a student’s formal academic education.

ABA Therapy and School: Support Not a Replacement Leer más »

Duración de la Terapia ABA: ¿Cuánto Tiempo Debe Durar la Terapia ABA?

Duración de la Terapia ABA: ¿Cuánto Tiempo Debe Durar la Terapia ABA?

Applied Behavioral Analysis, commonly called ABA therapy, is considered the gold standard in promoting the development of critical social skills and communication capabilities in individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This personalized therapy centers on gradually improving behavior with techniques like positive reinforcement. However, one of the most common questions surrounding ABA is “What is the typical duration of an ABA program?” The short answer is that ABA therapy duration depends on several variables, including the ASD client’s needs, the intensity of ABA sessions, and the progress they make throughout their ABA care.
In this guide by ABA Centers of Florida, we will explore factors that ABA professionals consider when they design an ABA treatment plan. We will also define ABA therapy duration in more detail, offering you a clear scope of how long caregivers should expect ABA therapy to last.

Duración de la Terapia ABA: ¿Cuánto Tiempo Debe Durar la Terapia ABA? Leer más »

Día Mundial de Concientización sobre el Autismo: ¡17 años celebrando el TEA!

Día Mundial de Concientización sobre el Autismo: ¡17 años celebrando el TEA!

Every April 2nd, World Autism Awareness Day encourages governments, organizations, and communities to increase their appreciation and acceptance of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to foster more outstanding worldwide support, the celebration of personal differences, and advocacy for their rights of those with ASD in the face of many challenges they must overcome. 2024 marks the 17th annual World Autism Day, demonstrating how far we have come as a society in creating a more inclusive and understanding world but also highlighting the work that still needs to be done to improve lives for those with autism and the people who love and support them most.

Día Mundial de Concientización sobre el Autismo: ¡17 años celebrando el TEA! Leer más »

8 Razones Para no Cancelar las Sesiones de ABA y Completar los Servicios

8 Razones Para no Cancelar las Sesiones de ABA y Completar los Servicios

If your child or loved one is receiving Applied Behavior Analysis, also called ABA therapy, you likely understand the significance of this evidence-based therapy in helping manage many complex features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ABA is a structured, personalized behavioral approach that aims to improve socially significant behaviors in those with ASD, offering a path to enhancing the quality of life for clients and their families and achieving greater independence overall.

8 Razones Para no Cancelar las Sesiones de ABA y Completar los Servicios Leer más »

ABA Centers of Florida Desarrolla una Sala Sensorial Para Niños con Autismo en los Juegos de Florida Panthers

ABA Centers of Florida Desarrolla una Sala Sensorial Para Niños con Autismo en los Juegos de Florida Panthers

Join ABA Centers of Florida at the Panthers game on April 11, 2024, for Autism Awareness Night as the Panthers compete against the Columbus Blue Jackets. ABA Centers of Florida scored a “power play” by bringing a sensory room for kids with autism to Florida Panthers games at Amerant Bank Arena. Setting the stage for

ABA Centers of Florida Desarrolla una Sala Sensorial Para Niños con Autismo en los Juegos de Florida Panthers Leer más »

Cómo Proteger a Tu Hijo Con Autismo en Internet: Consejos Para Padres

Cómo Proteger a Tu Hijo Con Autismo en Internet: Consejos Para Padres

While the internet can provide opportunities for learning and communication, it also has the potential to be overwhelming, confusing, and even dangerous for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). From cyberbullying to online predators, some potential risks come alongside allowing your child or teen with ASD access to the internet. Furthermore, some individuals with ASD

Cómo Proteger a Tu Hijo Con Autismo en Internet: Consejos Para Padres Leer más »

Comprendiendo la Inercia Autista: Lo que los Padres Deben Saber

Comprendiendo la Inercia Autista: Lo que los Padres Deben Saber

Autistic inertia is a term many use to describe the difficulty some with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience when starting and stopping tasks or shifting from one state to another, according to research by the National Autism Society. However, it is not often an aspect of academic literature exploring ASD. Typically, experts researching autistic inertia

Comprendiendo la Inercia Autista: Lo que los Padres Deben Saber Leer más »

Las Habilidades Splinter en el autismo: Mejorar y Generalizar los Conjuntos de Habilidades

Las Habilidades Splinter en el autismo: Mejorar y Generalizar los Conjuntos de Habilidades

If you have a child or teenager with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), then you are aware of the unique challenges they often face in their daily lives. One of these challenges can be “splinter skills” or abilities that appear proficient but are not always helpful to overall development due to their difficulty in application and

Las Habilidades Splinter en el autismo: Mejorar y Generalizar los Conjuntos de Habilidades Leer más »

Trastorno del Procesamiento Auditivo: Comprendiendo el TPA y el Autismo

Trastorno del Procesamiento Auditivo: Comprendiendo el TPA y el Autismo

An auditory processing disorder (APD) occurs when an individual’s brain has difficulty processing and interpreting sounds, often leading to problems with language, communication, and social interactions. If a patient presents with both APD and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), suitable symptom management often requires a multidisciplinary approach, including collaboration between speech therapists, audiologists, occupational therapists, and

Trastorno del Procesamiento Auditivo: Comprendiendo el TPA y el Autismo Leer más »

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