

Blog ABA

Autism and Anxiety

Autismo y Ansiedad: Una Guía Completa Sobre Cómo Ayuda la ABA

If you have a neurodivergent child, loved one, or student, you may have noticed that everyday challenges and demands cause them to experience more anxiety. You may observe general apprehensiveness, difficulty focusing, and avoidance of social encounters. Or perhaps you notice severe psychological distress when they encounter ordinary things and experiences. Parents and teachers also […]

Autismo y Ansiedad: Una Guía Completa Sobre Cómo Ayuda la ABA Leer más »

Celebra El Día Mundial De Concientización Sobre la Accesibilidad Y El Autismo

Celebra El Día Mundial De Concientización Sobre la Accesibilidad Y El Autismo

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), observed on May 18 each year, is a powerful reminder of the importance of keeping technology accessible to everyone. This day presents an opportunity to raise awareness about the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, including autism, and to emphasize the role of technology in creating a more inclusive society.

Celebra El Día Mundial De Concientización Sobre la Accesibilidad Y El Autismo Leer más »

Pruebas y Diagnóstico del Autismo: Todo lo que Necesitas Saber

Pruebas y Diagnóstico del Autismo: Todo lo que Necesitas Saber

Understanding the process of obtaining the proper testing and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be a source of great confusion and anxiety. Many do not understand the fundamental characteristics of autism or the growth milestones that signal the need for support. In addition, in some populations, autism may be incorrectly stigmatized as a

Pruebas y Diagnóstico del Autismo: Todo lo que Necesitas Saber Leer más »

Investigación Del Autismo: ¿Qué Nos Han Enseñado Los Últimos 10 Años?

Investigación Del Autismo: ¿Qué Nos Han Enseñado Los Últimos 10 Años?

Reflecting on the last ten years of autism research, we can appreciate and proudly recognize how much progress we have seen. Researchers, scientists, and autism experts know much more today than we did a decade ago. Best of all, our understanding constantly evolves as discoveries and innovations happen daily. The mission of autism research over

Investigación Del Autismo: ¿Qué Nos Han Enseñado Los Últimos 10 Años? Leer más »

Desarrollo de las Habilidades Motoras Finas en la Terapia del Autismo

Desarrollo de las Habilidades Motoras Finas en la Terapia del Autismo

Many parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face various struggles that can complicate daily living. Completing simple tasks can sometimes feel exhausting or even impossible when parenting a neurodivergent child. Often autism parents approach their child’s pediatricians and providers feeling devastated that their children will never have seemingly “normal” experiences. Parents with

Desarrollo de las Habilidades Motoras Finas en la Terapia del Autismo Leer más »

Manejar El Tiempo Frente a Pantallas Y El Autismo: 7 Consejos Eficaces

Manejar El Tiempo Frente a Pantallas Y El Autismo: 7 Consejos Eficaces

One of the trickiest things parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) must manage is screen time and autism. Smartphones, social media, streaming, and video games available at all times are new phenomena different from the TV set with three available channels of yesteryear. Kids experience almost limitless stimuli, much of which is

Manejar El Tiempo Frente a Pantallas Y El Autismo: 7 Consejos Eficaces Leer más »

¿Qué causa el autismo?

¿Qué causa el autismo?

Autism diagnoses have increased drastically over recent years, prompting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to expand their estimates to one in 36 children under eight years likely to qualify. But the growing awareness includes more and more parents asking, “What causes autism?” ABA Centers of Florida understands the desire for a bottom-line

¿Qué causa el autismo? Leer más »

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