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Nombre del autor:Diana Gomez

Behavioral Momentum

Behavioral Momentum in ABA Therapy: The Power of Positive Reinforcement

Behavioral momentum plays a crucial role in ABA therapy, especially for kids and teens with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It involves gradually building up momentum toward achieving desired behaviors or goals by starting with small, achievable steps. Implementing behavioral momentum can make ABA therapy sessions more rewarding and boost morale by basing the approach on the idea that individuals are more likely to engage in a behavior if they have experienced success leading up to it.

Behavioral Momentum in ABA Therapy: The Power of Positive Reinforcement Leer más »

Prompt Hierarchy in ABA Therapy

Prompt Hierarchy in ABA Therapy: 5 Ways to Implement at Home

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) manifests in various degrees of severity, necessitating tailored assistance or therapeutic interventions for individuals to manage their behaviors effectively. Among the variety of strategies available to address the intricate traits of ASD, the prompt hierarchy in ABA therapy offers a meticulously structured method to encourage the development of new skills and facilitate progress.

Prompt Hierarchy in ABA Therapy: 5 Ways to Implement at Home Leer más »


Descifrando la conexión entre el TOC y el autismo: Perspectivas del Y-BOCS

Y-BOCS: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are two distinct neurodevelopmental conditions, each characterized by its own set of behavioral traits and challenges. However, in clinical practice, it’s not uncommon to encounter individuals who present with symptoms of both OCD and ASD, leading to a complex clinical picture. Understanding the nuances of this overlap is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Descifrando la conexión entre el TOC y el autismo: Perspectivas del Y-BOCS Leer más »

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