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Nombre del autor:Laura Corzo

Explicación del Estímulo Discriminativo en la Terapia ABA

Explicación del Estímulo Discriminativo en la Terapia ABA

Comprehending and implementing discriminative stimulus in ABA therapy can assist individuals with autism in navigating their surroundings better, interpreting environmental cues, reducing isolation, promoting autonomy, and facilitating smoother adaptation to various situations. In this blog, we at ABA Centers of Florida will delve into the concept of discriminative stimulus and its function within ABA therapy and provide some examples. Our goal is to ensure that you feel confident and prepared to use this approach with your loved ones and understand its application during sessions with our ABA providers.

Explicación del Estímulo Discriminativo en la Terapia ABA Leer más »

El Autismo y Los Deportes: Las 10 Mejores Prácticas Para Niños con Autismo

El Autismo y Los Deportes: Las 10 Mejores Prácticas Para Niños con Autismo

If your child or loved one on the spectrum shows an interest in sports, it’s natural to ask: what is the best sport for autism? At ABA Centers of Florida, we’re here to provide guidance. We present a guide to the top 10 best sports practices for children with autism. Not only do these sports address the challenges associated with autism, but they also encourage the development of essential skills and provide fun times.

El Autismo y Los Deportes: Las 10 Mejores Prácticas Para Niños con Autismo Leer más »

Creating an Autism-friendly St. Patrick's DayAutism-Friendly St. Patrick’s Day: 9 Fun Sensory Activities

Cómo Crear un St. Patrick’s Day Amigable Con el Autismo: 9 Actividades Sensoriales Divertidas

So, how do I make St. Patrick’s Day memorable for kids with autism? By adapting activities, parents and caregivers can create an autism-friendly St. Patrick’s Day experience for children with autism. In this blog post by ABA Centers of Florida, we’ll delve into nine entertaining at-home activities for your neurodiverse kiddos to enjoy around St. Patrick’s Day.

Cómo Crear un St. Patrick’s Day Amigable Con el Autismo: 9 Actividades Sensoriales Divertidas Leer más »

Padres de Niños con Autismo que Trabajan: 7 Estrategias para Equilibrar las Responsabilidades

Padres de Niños con Autismo que Trabajan: 7 Estrategias para Equilibrar las Responsabilidades

At ABA Centers of Florida, we work to improve the quality of life for neurodiverse families in the Sunshine State. For this reason, we’ve compiled a list of seven valuable strategies to help parents of children with autism manage their roles as parents and professionals. From tips on schedule organization to knowing when to ask for help, we hope these suggestions will make a difference in the invaluable daily work of parents and caregivers.

Padres de Niños con Autismo que Trabajan: 7 Estrategias para Equilibrar las Responsabilidades Leer más »

Demencia en Adultos con Autismo: 5 Consejos para Cuidar tu Salud Cognitiva

Demencia en Adultos con Autismo: 5 Consejos para Cuidar tu Salud Cognitiva

Can someone with autism develop dementia? Although it’s a fact that everyone experiences cognitive decline as we age, not all will develop dementia. However, there is a greater risk for those on the spectrum. In this blog by ABA Centers of Florida, our goal is to delve into critical issues such as dementia in adults with autism. We intend to explore the various types of dementia and examine its correlation with autism. We aim to implement preventative measures to help maintain cognitive health.

Demencia en Adultos con Autismo: 5 Consejos para Cuidar tu Salud Cognitiva Leer más »

Definiendo la Alexitimia: Explorando las Causas y 5 Consejos de Apoyo

Definiendo la Alexitimia: Explorando las Causas y 5 Consejos de Apoyo

Parents and caregivers of neurodiverse children may have noticed that their kids struggle to understand and express their emotions. Alexithymia can have a significant impact on their daily functioning and create frustration for caregivers who seek to provide support without knowing how to do so. If you’ve been wondering, “Is alexithymia linked to autism?” this blog by ABA Centers of Florida will further explore what this condition entails, why it is more prevalent in people with autism, and how parents and caregivers can offer practical support to their loved ones dealing with alexithymia and autism.

Definiendo la Alexitimia: Explorando las Causas y 5 Consejos de Apoyo Leer más »

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